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World traveler has tips to prepare for travel

Mathews native Karen Holmberg, now a New York City resident, is a world traveler who has been to destinations that range from the fashion houses of Europe to the caves of Borneo.
Along the way, she has learned a few lessons about how to prepare for travel, whether it’s a quick trip to South Beach in Miami for a fashion shoot or an extended stay in Patagonia for archaeological fieldwork.
Career highlights
Currently teaching courses with such titles as “Volcanoes: The Sublime and Scientific”; “Caves: The Science, Art and Metaphor of the Subterranean Earth”; and “Vomiting Lobsters, Cat Pianos, and Radical Interdisciplinarity: What a 17th-century Polymath Has to Say to 21st-century Science” at New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, Holmberg has had two distinctly different careers.
Her first was as a high fashion model working for such magazines as Marie Claire and Mademoiselle and representing such major corporate entities as Estée Lauder and Bulgari. She walked th...

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