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Work underway on Mathews Main Street mosaic tile mural

Work was proceeding apace Friday on a mosaic tile mural on the Halcyon Building in Mathews.
A project of building owners Bronwyn Hughes and Kat Sharp, the mural was designed by Mathews High School art students Sabrina Myers and Abbey Sorey, whose works were selected in a contest last year, then combined into a single design.
Hughes and Sharp, with the help of Mathews Main Street, collected buckets and buckets of ceramic tile pieces and broken dishes from donors to use for the wall, along with a variety of found objects such as geodes, an old glass jar from Jamestown, the lid to a little Moroccan jar, and a ceramic fish.
Granite from someone’s kitchen floor is being used to make the letters for part of a Walt Whitman poem that expresses the spirit of the Mathews seaman: “Sail forth, Steer for deep waters only, Reckless oh Soul, exploring.”
The work itself consists of using an Italian substance called mapei to stick each piece of ceramic to the wall to hold it in place,...

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