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Work begins on Mathews broadband towers

Contractors were on-site at the Mathews Rescue Squad building yesterday, mobilizing to begin construction of two towers in Mathews County that are ultimately expected to make broadband service available to all of the county’s residents.
“With all the projects we’ve had going on for the last 18 months, building these two towers is a giant step forward toward universal broadband coverage,” said Judy Rowe, chair of the Mathews Broadband Advisory Board.
According to the project schedule, provided by Mathews County Administrator Ramona Wilson, work on the tower at the Mathews Rescue Squad building at Hudgins will begin first, followed soon after by work on the tower at Fire Station 2 in Bohannon.
Mobilization, fencing for silt runoff, tree protection, and building an access road to the rescue squad tower site are expected to take about a week, said the proposed schedule, with excavation for the foundation scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 24 and 25. The tower itself is slated for de...

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