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Woodville School receives $5,000 National Trust grant

The Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation to assist with ongoing renovation work at the Woodville School in Ordinary.
The organization received word last week that it had won the grant from the Henry A. Jordan, M.D. Preservation Excellence Fund to support its landscaping and architectural planning for 1923 school.
“The National Trust is very supportive of this worthwhile preservation initiative and we hope that this financial commitment will assist your organization in raising any additional funds needed for this effort,” Chief Preservation Officer Katherine Malone-France wrote in a Nov. 4 email to foundation president Dr. Wesley Wilson.
Chicago philanthropist Julius Rosenwald’s generosity meant that more than 5,000 schools were built across the South to expand educational opportunities for African American students, a release from the Woodville Rosenwald School stated. “The Woodville School is a national...

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