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W&M student organization donates to GMCC

The Gloucester Mathews Care Clinic received a $1,000 donation from a clinic volunteer and her fellow college students to upgrade technology in the pharmacy.
Dulguun Myagmarsuren is a senior at the College of William and Mary and serves as executive director of the student-run organization Youth for the World. She also volunteers her time at the clinic as a scribe.
Her motivation for donating to GMCC is simple: “I created the organization Youth for the World in 2017 with the mission of supporting local and international clinics that serve uninsured and underserved communities. We decided to raise money for GMCC because I have been a volunteer scribe since 2019 and I was really inspired by the care the clinic provides for uninsured patients. I really wanted to find a way to support the clinic. We raised the money by crowdfunding and hosting various fundraisers at William and Mary and in D.C.”
The funds will be used to purchase a new computer for the clinic pharmacy. This much-needed reso...

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