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W&M moves forward with undegrad marine science program

William & Mary is moving forward with a proposal for the first undergraduate marine science program at a public university in Virginia.
The university's Board of Visitors announced last week that it has approved a measure to submit plans for the degree to the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia. That review process by SCHEV will determine whether the university may implement the new program.
William & Mary’s School of Marine Science, located at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, currently offers a professional master’s degree and two research degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.), is ranked among the top institutions of its kind in the U.S.
“William & Mary’s School of Marine Science is preeminent in the country,” said Provost Peggy Agouris. “It only makes sense to extend our world-class expertise in coastal and marine science to undergraduate students in a dedicated program that will enable them to enter a deeply impactful career field.”
The college h...

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