Unlike his fellow Congressman in Virginia’s 7th District, 1st District Rep. Rob Wittman of Montross easily won Tuesday’s GOP primary over newcomer Anthony Riedel of Williamsburg, carrying more than 76 percent of the vote. Wittman will face Democratic challenger Norm Mosher in the Nov. 4 general election.
Many Americans woke up to news headlines Wednesday of the historic upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by Tea Party-backed candidate David Brat. This was far from the case for Wittman as he easily carried both Gloucester and Mathews counties, along with most other localities in Virginia’s 1st District.
In Gloucester, Wittman received 66 percent of the overall vote and in Mathews, he received 64 percent of the overall vote.
The locality where Riedel was the closest to defeating Wittman was the City of Newport News, where the vote was split 50/50.
Voter registrars in both counties reported few issues during the primary Tuesday. However, low voter turnout at the p...
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