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Wetlands board approves three applications

The Gloucester County Wetlands Board approved three applications for shoreline improvements during its meeting July 9 in the colonial courthouse.
Frank Gorse was granted authorization to install approximately 156 linear feet of stone revetment with a northern 5’ wing-wall and a southern 12’ wing-wall.
In addition, Gorse was allowed to place a 20-linear-foot timber bulkhead with two 8’ upland wing-walls adjacent to property situated along Dancer Creek at 11165 Piankatank Drive, according to permit technician Linda Walthall.
Following a separate public hearing, the board approved the application of Patsy Hall to construct a 120-foot by 11-foot base stone sill. Also, Hall was permitted to place 175 cubic yards of beach nourishment and 1,200 square feet of spartina plantings adjacent to property situated along Back Creek at 8602 Matsuda Lane.
The board approved the application of Harvey Morgan, but member Walter Priest excluded himself from discussion and voting on this a...

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