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Warm colors

June’s flowers are certainly hardy survivors in this heat. Please send your photos to

Honeybee on the butterfly weed, sent by Cheryl Battle of Bavon.

Tiger lilies, submitted by Karen Borja, Gloucester.

Calla lilies from Martha Thompson Hudgins of Gloucester.

Joyce Crum of Gloucester sends daylilies, Shasta daisies, and shrub roses from her garden.

Sunset off Put-In Creek, Saturday, June 8 sent by Dave McKnight.

Nancy Jagger of Port Haywood discovered a six-foot-tall lily in her garden.

The Yorktown Onions add a nice pop of color to Gloucester Court Green; sent by Lila Youkeles.

Mary Pope of Mathews shares wildflowers planted in the field by her husband Steve.

Pollinators at work, sent by James Moller of Gloucester.

Balloon flower, calla lily, and gladiolus blooming at the home of Linda Dalgety in Port Haywood, and Easter lilies blooming at the home of Louise Witherspo...

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