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Letter: Voting against baby formula?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I cannot understand how Rep. Rob Wittman can justify having voted against the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022.
There is no kitchen-table issue more fundamental than safe, healthy food for our children. The bill allowed the Food and Drug Administration to buy formula from overseas and to hire more inspectors to ensure that formula meets U.S. safety standards.
As the mother of a child who had to use soy formula, I can clearly imagine how scary it must be to worry about whether you’ll be able to find food for your baby and if it will be safe. Mr. Witt- man signed a May 18 letter asking what the FDA was going to do to address the crisis caused when the Abbott plant was shut down, but he then refused to vote to help solve the problem.
I cannot, for the life of me, understand a man putting a party-line “No” vote ahead of the needs of his youngest constituents. Elect Herb Jones in November; he’ll work with anyone in Congress to help Virginians.

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