Registered voters in Mathews have or soon will be receiving new voter information cards in the mail, and Mathews County Registrar Ruth Ann Hutson said that her office has already fielded some questions from residents about their addresses on the cards.
The tri-fold leaflet generated and mailed from the State Board of Elections encourages the voter to review the card carefully for accurate information. "Many Mathews residents are questioning the validity of their physical address information," Hutson said.
In an effort to clarify the uncertainty of the information, Hutson offered the following points:
—Physical address information used in the VERIS (Virginia Elections and Registration Information System) is derived from the Mathews County 911 and U.S. Postal Service database.
—It has come to the attention of many residents that the post office associated with their physical address (911) is different from the post office where they are receiving mail or t...
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