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Virginia tourism shows signs of recovery from pandemic

Travelers to Virginia spent $69 million a day in 2021, up from $48 million/day the year before, according to a report released this week by the Virginia Tourism Corporation.
Virginia’s tourism revenues also reached $25.2 billion in 2021, marking an 87 percent recovery to pre-pandemic spending in 2019. This spending supported 185,000 jobs, $7.1 billion in salaries and wages, and $1.8 billion in state and local taxes. Eighty of Virginia’s 133 localities fully recovered to 2019 levels of spending and many grew even further. Specifically, Coastal Virginia, Shenandoah Valley, and the Blue Ridge Highlands regions contributed most significantly to the overall recovery in the state.
“Tourism has seen an incredible comeback thanks to the hardworking leaders in the travel and tourism industry across Virginia,” said Rita McClenny, president and CEO of Virginia Tourism Corporation. “As travelers continue to visit communities across the state, Virginia is on pace to restore the tourism industry int...

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