Throughout the month of October, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science will celebrate “Oystober”—a month dedicated to learning more about oysters through lectures, oyster-themed lab tours, and special events online and in-person.
Oyster tour
VIMS will have a special Oyster Tour Tuesday from 1:30-3 p.m., beginning at Watermen’s Hall on the VIMS campus. During this tour, attendees will learn about the cutting-edge research taking place at VIMS that helps the institution understand the biology and ecology of the oysters that support the growing shellfish aquaculture industry.
Attendees will visit the VIMS Oyster Hatchery where Dr. Jessica Small will show them how VIMS research has helped produce the perfect dinner-table oyster. Guests will also visit the Shellfish Pathology Lab where Dr. Ryan Carnegie will describe how his team works to understand oyster diseases and keep the aquaculture industry safe and thriving.
Registration is required. To register, visit
After Hours
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