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VIMS launches Professional Master of Arts program in marine science

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science has launched its new Professional Master of Arts program, welcoming seven MA students along with 24 others seeking MS and Ph.D. degrees in William and Mary’s School of Marine Science at the Gloucester Point campus.
“We’re thrilled to welcome our inaugural class of MA students,” said Professor Linda Schaffner, VIMS’s Associate Dean of Academic Studies. “Our program will offer them coursework and training for careers in policy, business, outreach and other areas that require working collaboratively with diverse stakeholders.”
Dr. Molly Mitchell, a VIMS faculty member and MA program director, said the program “is designed to help students translate between what scientists can do and what society needs. It’s really important to have students learn the science as well as any MS student, but also gain other skills and experiences that allow them to chart an interdisciplinary path.”
Dr. Derek Aday, VIMS Dean and Director, said the new program “is perfe...

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