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VIMS announces phased expansion plan

The Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, had its first day of classes yesterday while following the guidelines detailed in its phased expansion of on-campus operations plan.
Though it has been closed to the public, VIMS has continued to do research throughout the summer. VIMS has about 90 students in total and welcomed 14 new first-year students this week and held orientation for them on Monday and Tuesday.
According to Joseph Martinez, VIMS Chief Operations Officer and COVID-19 Coordinator, VIMS has set up four classrooms that follow social-distance guidelines. VIMS is also utilizing its large auditorium to support in-person learning for larger class sizes. Other classes will be held remotely.
VIMS is also instituting self-cleaning practices between classes. Disinfectant wipes will be available outside classrooms so students can wipe down their desks before and after class. The facility’s management organization will clean classrooms in the morning on a daily basis....

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