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Victory at Yorktown celebration begins Saturday

Victory at Yorktown, a celebration of “our shared Colonial history,” will be held Saturday through Wednesday, Oct. 15-19, at various sites in Yorktown.
There will be entertainment throughout the weekend, with music by such groups as Clan McCool, Bob Zentz and Shanty Grass; dancing by the Rose and Sword Dance Academy and the Kountry Kickers; storytelling; cannon firing at various scheduled times; and a Battle of the Chefs on Sunday only.
The York County Market will be held in the morning both on Saturday and Sunday.
Among the buildings that will be open to visitors are the York County Historical Museum on Saturday and Sunday; the Yorktown Custom House on Sunday; Grace Church on Saturday; and On the Hill Gallery both days, with a special exhibit.
The American Revolution Museum will be open on Saturday, with special exhibits and events, including an all-day Continental Army encampment, 18th century Foodways and Dyeing for a Cause on a Revolution-era farm, a meeting with Jean-Baptiste Dona...

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