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U10 White Caps

The Baystars U10 White Caps opened its spring youth soccer season Saturday at Woodville Park, playing host to the Beach FC U11 Mavericks. After an undefeated fall season in the top TASL U10 boys division, the White Caps were excited to play “up” an age group for spring, tackling a larger field plus 9v9 formation as opposed to the 7v7 they have been used to. The White Caps defeated the Mavericks 3-0, with goals scored by Graham Kittrell, Colton Bergstrom and Noah Ford. Ford and Triffon Luechauer combined in goal for the shutout. Ryan Seay and Kittrell were credited with assists. Team members include, standing from left: Wyatt Brockenbrough, Rey Norzagary, Luechauer, Ronen Lane, Oliver Graham, Arimus Stevenson, Fett Kutch; sitting, Kittrell, Seay, Donnie Wolford, Ford and Colton Bergstrom.

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