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U.S./China trade rivalry topic of Friday’s Great Decisions program

This week’s Deltaville Great Decisions program, America’s largest discussion program on world affairs, will focus on the U.S./China trade rivalry.
Dr. Taiyi Sun, an assistant professor of political science at Christopher Newport University, will speak on this issue beginning at 10 a.m. Friday at the Deltaville Community Association building in Deltaville.
China’s economic rise and its current policies of increasing the role of the state in the economy have led some U.S. policymakers to seek to deny China access to U.S. technology and investment. This is seen as a necessary corrective to decades of predatory Chinese economic policies. Is this a wise strategy, and how effective can it be?
His research focuses on Chinese politics, Sino-U.S. relations, state-society relations, and civic engagement. He appears regularly on domestic and international media outlets, such as Virginia Humanities (based in the U.S.), China Times (based in Taiwan), Phoenix International and Hong Kong 01 (both bas...

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