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Two new exhibits at RAL Art Center

August brings two new exhibits to the RAL Art Center, 19 Main Street, Kilmarnock. The two shows are “Creatures and Creatures” and “Artwork Created by Tartan Village Residents.”
The 80 original artworks in the members’ show, “Critters and Creatures” include paintings, photography, fiber art, glass, and sculpture entered by member artists. Jennifer Schroeder, a Mathews artist and gallery coordinator of the Bay School Community Arts Center, judged this show. She announced the winners at a public reception on Friday at the RAL Art Center.
For first place, Schroeder selected “No R-Egret III” a mixed media piece by Carol Chandler. Schroeder said that she loved the title, and that the artist created a truly lovely and almost magical bird contemplating stepping into the water. Second- and third-place awards were presented to “Twinkle Toes” by Barabara Brecher, a wearable fiber piece, and the photograph “Pink or Red?” by Annie Barsky.
Schroeder awarded nine honorable mentions: “Beetlemania,” a ...

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