The top finishers in the second annual Timberneck Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk celebrated with their medals in front of the Timberneck House in Machicomoco State Park on Saturday. Zach Hudgins of Mathews, won the 5K race with a time of 22:14. The event, hosted by the Fairfield Foundation, raised approximately $3,000 toward the restoration of the Timberneck House into lodging and museum exhibit space. Medalists pictured are, back row from left, Isabelle Chartier, Sophie Chartier, Cheryl Dame, Steve Wright, Alisa Henrich, Dustin Harris, Kate Gruber, Ralph Motley, Rick Webb, Christopher Kwilecki, Fenton Johnson, Charles Crook, Hudgins; front row, Samantha Stone, Megan Harris, Christina Grover and Steven Cassello.
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