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Tips for preparing your child now for back-to-school bullies

Many parents are already considering what they need to do to prepare their children for the new school year that is just around the corner. While what they will wear and do after school is essential, ensuring they know what to do about back-to-school bullies should be at the top of every parent’s priority list. Bullies will head back to school as well, and they will be ready to start picking on kids from day one.
“Summer is a great time to get kids ready for the new school year, including with how to win against bullies,” said Kirk Smalley, co-founder of Stand for the Silent. “Addressing it now will ensure the school year will be smooth and bully-free.”
Over the summer, parents can do a lot to raise awareness about bullying in their home and community. Making it a priority may help reduce the incidents of bullying in school and in the community. Proactive communities can make people more aware of the issue, which can help reduce the incidents.
According to the National Institutes of He...

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