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Timberneck’s history

The Virginia Department of Historic Resources listed Timberneck on its landmarks register in 1979. Known in recent generations as the seat of the Catlett family, Timberneck’s history goes back to Virginia’s founding years.
The DHR website gives this history of the property and the old home:
“Timberneck, on a broad peninsula bordered by creeks flowing into the York River, was a Mann family homestead in the 17th and 18th centuries. The property was purchased ca. 1793 by John Catlett from John Page of Rosewell.
“The present house at Timberneck is a rambling post-Revolutionary farmhouse built for the Catletts. The two-part, two story weatherboarded structure has well-preserved appointments including a fine stair and much original hardware. Although the later section was built in the mid-19th century, the details of the earlier portion, including the modillion cornice and pedimented porch, were repeated.
“With its rural setting, early smokehouse, rare 19th cent...

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