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The story of a watermelon vine
Its grower, her gardening talent, and her cooking

Krystie Daly, formerly of Morehead City, North Carolina, relocated to Gloucester “for love and it has been four wonderful years.”
She says she misses the availability of really fresh seafood. “We could with a swing net go down to the water and catch our limit of 40 pounds of fresh shrimp. Then we could go clamming. Never had to buy seafood. And if not in or on the water it was gardening with mom. We grew our own fruits and vegetables.”
Krystie brought her gardening talent with her to her new home where she has always had a garden, the basics, such as tomatoes, and other veggies. This year Krystie decided to try watermelons.
“I bought one watermelon plant. Planted it in the garden with good compost just as I always do.” Krystie had no idea that the new entry to the garden would grow so rapidly. “It soon covered the entire garden. The vine just took over.”
Maybe the garden beneath suffered, but the vine did exactly what it was supposed to do. It yielded 18 watermelons over the season wit...

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