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The backbone of the American economy

Small business has always formed the backbone of the American economy.
After a year of hardship suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we celebrate National Small Business Week not only in recognition of their economic contributions, but also in recognition of their innovation and resilience.
Even as they suffered greatly, small businesses throughout Virginia and the nation stepped up to serve their friends, neighbors and communities. They are truly emblematic of the American Spirit and it’s an honor to recognize them this week.
But words are not enough. Now more than ever, both Washington and Richmond must enact pro-growth policies to restore the American economy and allow small businesses to rebuild.
Fortunately, thanks to vaccination efforts both here in Virginia, as well as nationally, we draw closer to a bright new dawn for the American economy every passing day.
Rep. Rob Wittman represents Virginia’s 1st District in Congress, which includes Gloucester and Mathews counties...

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