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Thanksgiving bounty

These local churches welcomed the public to bountiful feasts on Thanksgiving Day. Upper left, Living Waters Church, Dutton, served everyone a menu of turkey, ham, stuffing, yams and other favorite holiday foods. Here, Pastor Grady Brown and his wife Traci Brown (standing at left) are shown with, standing from left, Ava Buckler, Darla Peterson, Living Waters outreach coordinator Erica Williams; seated, Marcus Campbell, John Joseph Buckler, Candis Yi, Michelle Bozza and Barry Green. Upper right, Abingdon Episcopal Church, White Marsh, opens its doors every Thanksgiving in this traditional annual event, providing free meals and fellowship to the community. Those manning the serving line this year included, from front to back, Liz Bryan, Lorraine Ingles, Don Dransfield and Dr. Wayne Reynolds. Below, Kingston Parish House hosted the Mathews Community Thanksgiving Dinner, which was sponsored by Antioch Baptist, Church of Francis de Sales Roman Catholic, ...

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