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Thank you to GMHS Humane Business Partners

Every year, Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society’s Humane Business Partners help our organization make the dream of saving even more lives a reality with their friendship and support. Their collective efforts help make ours a life-saving community, and we are profoundly grateful for the many ways they choose to champion the cause of homeless pets and the GMHS mission.

As valued stakeholders, Humane Business Partners actively work to ensure GMHS has the resources necessary to provide the temporary shelter, compassionate care, outreach and education for all those we serve from the Middle Peninsula to the Northern Neck and beyond. Their partnership is a powerful and public statement about the degree to which our community values pets and our collective willingness to extend care and compassion to all those in need.Humane Business Partners represent a variety of businesses and industries, and all of their gifts make a difference. Their financial and in-kind contributions help GMHS maintai...

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