100 YEARS AGO Thursday, March 11, 1920 from the Gloucester Gazette
The Owl Trap roads to Gloucester C.H. are in a deplorable condition. Cannot something be done? Our financial condition makes the substitution of an air ship prohibitory. What is wrong with the Board of Supervisors?
The Owl Trap correspondent for the Sentinel suggests that we have a post office at this place, which is an admirable one, as all the mail for this neighborhood has to be left at Mr. W.F. Dutton’s store, and he would be the popular choice for a postmaster by all the residents of this section.
There has been a good deal of sickness in this vicinity, but so far all are improving. The weather, no doubt, is the cause of the severe colds. -Little Squeechy
from the Mathews Journal
At a meeting of the Mathews Board of Supervisors held Monday, favorable action upon the recommendation of Mr. G.S. Marchant to purchase mules to do the county road work instead of hiring them was taken and Mr. G.E. Hunt, superintendent...
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