115 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 27, 1910from the Mathews Journal
Laban correspondent reports, Capt. B.H. Hurst is spending several weeks with his people.
We are sorry to report little Verta Brownley on the sick list.
Rev. L.J. Phaup delivered an excellent discourse on Temperance last Sunday p.m. at Bethel, from the text, “What hath God wrought.” He was appointed as delegate from Bethel League to the Anti-Saloon League Convention, which met in Richmond last week, and therefore, had a great deal to say on temperance progress during the past years, and the expectations of greater things being done in the future. May the good cause go till every city, town and county in our fair Southland may become dry. -Lilac
100 YEARS AGOThursday, Jan. 29, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette
Sheriff T.E. Hall was able to be out Saturday for the first time in a week, having been confined to his bed with a severe attack of influenza.
The public is cordially invited to the Valentine Tea to be given at the home of ...
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