At an age when most would be looking ahead to high school graduation, a brother and sister from Hayes are getting ready to earn their bachelor’s degrees.
Barbara and Joseph Call of Hayes, ages 17 and 16, respectively, are set to graduate next month from the College of William and Mary with degrees in computer science.
The Call siblings were homeschooled by their mother, Elizabeth, after regular public school failed to work for Barbara. Elizabeth, originally from Nicaragua, had already taught Barbara how to read and write, both in English and Spanish, by the time she reached kindergarten age.
After listening to complaints from Barbara about being bored in public school, Elizabeth and father J.B. Call decided to homeschool her. Joseph, who is only 13 months younger than Barbara, paid attention to her lessons and caught on fast. Instead of giving them separate lessons, the family decided to educate them together at the same pace.
“We never took summer vacations because we enjoyed studying...
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