Yorktown held a maritime weekend on Friday through Sunday as part of the OpSail tall ship gathering now underway in East Coast ports. A parade of sail on Saturday afternoon attracted a large crowd in Yorktown (shown in background); while the many people crowding Gloucester Point Beach appeared more interested in fishing, sunbathing and jaunting about in personal watercraft, although a few observers settled in lawn chairs with binoculars. Tall ships taking part included, at left, the 86’ Godspeed, reproduction of one of the ships that brought first colonists to Jamestown in 1607, the 122’ Lynx of Newport, Calif., built in 2001 in the style of a privateer from the War of 1812. Also showing their sails were the Alliance, top right, a 105’ schooner built in 1995 offering cruises out of Yorktown, and the Spirit of Bermuda, at right, a 19th century-style sail training ship, 112 feet overall and built in 2006, based in Bermuda. The total fleet of OpSail 2012 is due to sail...
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