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Survey seeks input on Gloucester comp plan update

Gloucester County will be gathering public feedback from residents to assist with updating the county’s Comprehensive Plan through a random sample survey administered by Zencity.
The survey, which is designed to gather responses representing the census demographic of the county, will gauge what characteristics of the county they enjoy and what they would like changed. Residents who receive a request to complete the survey from Zencity can be assured that it is a county-sponsored project.
The survey is an initial kick-off to the process of updating the plan and the general public will have multiple opportunities to provide feedback. Additional surveys, town halls, presentations to civic groups and other means will be used to gather input and measure the response to draft sections of the plan.
Gloucester’s Comprehensive Plan serves as a long-range guide concerning the growth and development of the county.
“We appreciate the public’s participation in the first survey and look forward to c...

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