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Supervisors turn down year-end bonuses

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors approved an addition to its county code Tuesday night that would provide the mechanism for the governing body to grant bonuses to county officers and employees in the future. However, supervisors voted to give no bonuses now.

Supervisors voted 4-3 during their meeting in the colonial courthouse to pass the ordinance amendment, with Petsworth district supervisor John Northstein, At-large supervisor Michelle Ressler, and Ware district supervisor Gregory Woodard against.

Later in the meeting, a motion to give county employees $400 bonuses before Jan. 1, 2011—a move that would have cost the county $132,366.44—failed 4-3.

Abingdon district supervisor Buddy Rilee, At-large supervisor Louise Theberge and Gloucester Point district supervisor Bobby Crewe were in favor of awarding the bonuses.

The decision to pass the ordinance followed a public hearing where a majority of people spoke out against passing the ordinance. Abingdon di...

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