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Supervisors to receive evaluation of 2010 reassessment

The Gloucester County Board of Supervisors will see a heavy agenda for its meeting Tuesday night that will begin at 7 in the colonial courthouse.

The board will hear a report from the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) regarding the county’s 2010 reassessment.

It will discuss the fiscal year 2012 county administrator’s budget recommendations and suggested advertising of tax rates, according to assistant county administrator Georgette Hurley, and is expected to pass a resolution authorizing the county administrator to execute documents related to the new proposed Gloucester Point Library.

Supervisors have long awaited the IAAO report to help them decide the direction the county will take in its next general reassessment, which is still scheduled for 2012.

County assessor Reese Milligan said during the board of supervisors’ Jan. 18 meeting that he had been in close contact with the IAAO, which urged the county department to work on two majo...

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