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Supervisors express frustration with slow rollout of broadband

Gloucester supervisors expressed frustration with the rollout of the Open Broadband project designed to provide underserved homes in the county with access to broadband services during the board’s Oct. 1 meeting, which was held in the colonial courthouse.
Open Broadband area supervisor Gregory Reid and Gloucester County’s director of information technology Eric Beach each made presentations to the board.
Beach gave his talk first, providing an overview on broadband outside of the Open Broadband project. Beach said that the county reached out to Cox about its progress on bringing broadband to about 37 homes off Featherbed Lane through the Rural Development Opportunity Fund program. It had been completed and it was only able to provide access to three customers who signed up in that particular area of the county.
Beach also discussed Open Broadband and its coverage of citizens through the Virginia Telecommunications Initiative (VATI) and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) through the fi...

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