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Supervisors expected to decide on school funding method Tuesday

After months of discussion and a joint meeting with the Gloucester County School Board, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors is expected to make a decision Tuesday on whether or not they will continue with lump sum funding of the school board or will appropriate school money by category. The board will begin its meeting at 7 p.m. in the colonial courthouse.

If supervisors decide to go with the categorical method of funding, they will work with nine major classifications of school expenditures, according to information provided by Gloucester County Public Schools.

The first category is instruction. Joanne Wright, the schools’ finance director, said this category includes the activities that deal directly with the interaction between teachers and students. Classroom, support and school administrative services are included under this category.

A second category is administration, attendance and health. Wright said this includes the activities of establishing and admini...

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