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Storm knocks out power to area residents

A strong storm with high winds knocked out electrical power to approximately 45,000 customers throughout Virginia Tuesday, including approximately 2,000 on the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck, Dominion Virginia Power officials said.

About 9 a.m. Tuesday, the storm felled a tree, hitting a power line on Route 17 near Dominion’s district office in Gloucester. Sam Walker, operations and construction manager for Dominion’s Gloucester and Northern Neck districts, said Wednesday that the downed power line caused loss of service to several hundred customers in the Fiddlers Green Road area, including nearby Walter Reed Plaza. Riverside Walter Reed Hospital, located across the street, is on a different circuit and was not affected by the outage, Walker said.

The Food Lion supermarket had to close for about five hours because of the power outage, said customer service manager Kelly Moore, but fortunately all stock remained O.K. to sell once the store reopened.

At nearby Gl...

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