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Sisters honored their mother with special cookbooks

Irving Berlin wrote the song “Sisters” for the movie White Christmas in 1954. The lyrics were adapted for two sisters in the show. Mr. Berlin never knew it, but his lyrics could also be applied to two sisters in Gloucester. A few of the lines: “Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters … Caring. Sharing … In all kinds of weather we stick together. The same in rain or sun…”

Linda Hudgins Grow and Jean Marie Hudgins grew up in Ware Neck. Jean has remained there, making it her home while Linda lives in Bena. They are not so far apart according to Jean: “I can get to her house in just a few minutes.” And when they get together, special things happen, especially in 2012.

Linda and Jean put together two cookbooks in memory of their mother and her recipes, Jean Ellis Hudgins. They are very unusual books, as each contains not only recipes but also family photos taken through the years. Linda’s granddaughter Cody Brown assisted with the decorating as a surprise for Cody’s mother Nik...

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