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Signs of encouragement

The signs are all around; you just need to look for them. Throughout Gloucester and Mathews counties, as well as the rest of the country, churches, schools, businesses (heck, anybody with a sign board) is posting messages of encouragement as we all go through this COVID-19 pandemic together. From top, left: Gloucester Youth Baseball & Softball wants this to be over soon, and the kids back on the diamond, employing a bit of baseball jargon to get the message over the plate. Botetourt Elementary urges everyone to “Keep calm and learn on.” Mathews High School misses the hustle and bustle of the students in the hallways. Mathews Baptist reminds everyone there is “Strength, power and hope in the name of the Lord.” New Life Ministry Center wishes everyone to “Stay safe and be blessed.” Sport Shack encourages all to “Stay healthy (and) be well.” Susanna Wesley UMC draws upon scripture to encourage hand washing. Hillside Cinema’s sign may have been f...

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