Recent shootings involving elected officials have led the Gloucester School Board to consider having an armed officer attend its public meetings. During the board’s session Tuesday night in the colonial courthouse, newly elected chairman Anita Parker said it had been brought to her attention that the board should consider the move. Members were split on the idea.
"I certainly hope we never have to have them here," said board member Jay McGlohn on having armed security present. "I second that," said Jean Pugh. A board member for over 20 years, Pugh said she has witnessed some "testy" discussions "but never have we felt the need to have law enforcement at our meetings."
Board member Starr Belvin said she did not have a problem with having law enforcement present. She said she did not think an armed officer would intimidate most persons attending the meetings, but would intimidate someone who intended harm.
Board member Randy Burak sai...
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