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September is Happy Cat Month

Did you know September is Happy Cat Month? This pet holiday focuses on meeting the physical and mental needs of companion cats. Despite the myths, cats need regular care just as much as dogs, and sometimes their owners may unknowingly neglect important aspects of their well-being. Here are some purr-fect ways to celebrate Happy Cat Month with your fantastic felines!
Happy Cat Month prioritizes your cat’s health. Taking your cat to the vet regularly is important for checking for common illnesses. Get to know your cat’s characteristics and visit the vet if you notice any unusual symptoms or behaviors.
Cats love new toys! Cats should be provided with plenty of toys for scratching, clawing, and chasing to help keep them active and mentally stimulated. Cats love to claw and scratch, which usually keeps their nails at a healthy length; however, some cats may need more frequent trimmings, especially indoor cats. If you notice your cat’s nails getting too long, a trim every 2–4 weeks should ke...

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