Sentara announced last week the next evolution of the Sentara brand. Its new name, Sentara Health, reflects “our enhanced focus on promoting the overall health and well-being of our consumers—our patients, members, and communities—who are at the center of everything we do,” a news release stated.
The change, the release said, also represents the deepening alignment between its healthcare services and health plans. By the end of this year, Sentara will retire the Optima Health and Virginia Premier brands unifying the plans under one brand—Sentara Health Plans.
“We will continue to go by the name people call us in conversation, Sentara, a name and brand our consumers trust,” the release stated.
“It is an exciting day for all of us here at Sentara,” said Sentara president and CEO Dennis Matheis. “Our new name and logo help us show our commitment to making health care simple, seamless, personal, and more affordable.”
The brand refresh reflects more than a year of market research and commun...
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