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Scruggs seeks Abingdon seat on school board

Kari E. Scruggs, 38, of Gloucester, has announced her candidacy in the November election for the Abingdon district seat on the Gloucester County School Board.
“I just felt motivated to serve and bring positive change,” said Scruggs about her candidacy.
Scruggs decided to run for school board “to bring back some clear-headed decision making” to the board.
“I truly feel that there’s a lot of divide on the current school board,” she said.
Though she is running in the election, Scruggs does not view herself as a politician. “I’m not a politician,” said Scruggs. “I’m a parent.” She said she believes that politics should not be involved in the schools and the board should do what is in the best interest for students and teachers.
If elected, Scruggs is determined to make students and teachers a priority. She said she will also be “approaching things with a rational mindset.”
Through all of the recent negativity surrounding the school board, Scruggs said that she would like to “focus back on ...

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