115 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal
Moon correspondent reports: We are sorry to say the Haven School will soon close. The teachers and pupils are busy practicing for their closing exercise.
The Rose Bud Society of Salem Church has increased very rapidly in membership recently.
105 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 26, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette
Mr. Silas Wright, a prominent citizen of the county, died yesterday afternoon about three o’clock, following an accident in which Mr. Wright fell from a load of hay and was terribly injured. The deceased, who was 72 years old, leaves a wife, two sons and five daughters.
from the Mathews Journal
Laban correspondent reports that Rev. L.C. Moore preached to a large crowd at Bethel Sunday afternoon.
The fishermen are putting out their nets and some have already caught some fish.
Mr. Charles Brownley had the misfortune to lose his horse Thursday. The animal fell dead on the road.
90 YEARS AGOThursday, Feb. 29, 1935from the Glouces...
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