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School Briefs

Ashlynn Boulay of Gloucester, has been named a 2020 Distinguished Scholar at Rockford University in Rockford, Illinois. The recognition requires a 3.75 or higher grade point average with no grades below a C for the semester.
Maci Gilmore of Hayes, has been offered the Austin Peay State University Provost Out-of-State Scholarship for high-achieving freshmen for the fall 2021 semester. APSU, located in Tennessee, said the Provost Out-of-State Scholarships are offered to out-of-state students who meet the criteria of having a 3.5 grade point average.
Brittney Hardee of Hayes, was named to the fall 2020 Dean’s List at Longwood University. Recognition is a received for a semester grade-point average of 3.5-3.99 and requires a minimum of 12 semester hours of coursework. Hardee is a sophomore majoring in kinesiology.

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