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School board to hold March 13 town hall

The Mathews County School Board will hold its second town hall meeting of the 2022-2023 school year on Monday, March 13.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Harry M. Ward Auditorium at Mathews High School. Like the first town hall, which was held on Nov. 29, 2022, schools vice chairman will serve as moderator, with questions being submitted on available index cards.
Questions will be read by John Priest and directed either to school board chairman Desmond Smith or superintendent Nancy Welch for a reply.
After the question is answered, the submitter of the question will be given the opportunity for one follow-up question or two minutes of rebuttal.
VSBA retreat
The school board has also rescheduled its annual Virginia School Boards Association retreat for Wednesday, Feb. 15, in Mathews Memorial Library, beginning at 9:30 a.m. That daylong retreat was originally planned to be held on Jan. 12, but had to be canceled.
VSBA Deputy Executive Director Samantha Bosserman and Thomas Brews...

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