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School board recognizes media, business honor roll recipients

The Gloucester County School Board named Gazette-Journal reporter Kim Robins to the Virginia School Boards Association’s 2020 Media Honor Roll. The board also named WXGM radio to the Media Honor Roll.
The Media Honor Roll certificate presented to Robins at the board’s Dec. 8 meeting said the board “recognizes your fair and balanced reporting on school division and education topics. Your work has aided this community in focusing on the goal of providing the best public schools we can for the students who attend them.”
The board also named three local businesses to the VSBA Business Honor roll. They were Short Lane Ice Cream, Hillside Cinema and BayPort Credit Union.
In addition, VSBA Academy Awards were presented to five board members and school division superintendent Walter Clemons. These awards recognize board members for improving their boardsmanship skills through VSBA meetings, conferences, trainings and their involvement in the association.
VSBA Academy Awards of Recognition (15 ...

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