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Samantha Wooldridge named Duke of the Year

Gloucester High School has named Samantha Wooldridge as its Duke of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year. As she looked back on her high school career, the GHS senior had nothing but positive things to say.
“It has been a lot of fun. I have met a lot of people and I just don’t want it to end,” said Wooldridge.
Throughout her high school years, Wooldridge has been very proactive in school and within her community.
She has been the media historian and the vice president of the Beta Club, is a member of the National Honor Society, a captain of the tennis team, a member of the National Art Society, and a member of the GHS Spanish Club.
This past summer, she represented Gloucester County at the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. Wooldridge also does volunteer work at Grace on Main Presbyterian Church and through the Burkes Mill Girl Scouts Day Camp. She also has a few hobbies that she partakes in on her down time.
“I like to read a lot and I love to paint,” she said.
Although she is i...

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