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Sally Moore retires from auctioneering

Sally L. Moore of Redart, was introduced by her mother to the world of auctions as a young girl and years later trained as an auctioneer at a time when not many women were in that field. She retired from auctioneering in mid-July after 28 years in the business.
The world of auctions is much different now than when Moore started her business. She’s seen things change from using paper tallying to computer records.
Computers and the internet have opened up auctions to a wider audience, Moore said, but there are a lot of regulars who turn out. In addition, she said there are “pickers,” who attend auctions trying to acquire items for select clients.
Through the years, Moore has seen many items auctioned for prices well above what she expected and others that came in low. Her largest auctions have involved real estate.
One of her most gratifying auctions, Moore said, came when she found a wedding ring while examining a piece of furniture to be auctioned. The owner said...

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