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Sad news from the Island

115 YEARS AGOThursday, March 24, 1910from the Mathews Journal
The Gwynn community was surprised and grieved on last Wednesday evening to hear of the death of Mrs. Wilbur Godsey.
She visited her parental home last winter on Solomons Island, and while there was stricken down with the pneumonia from which she never recovered. The hearts of the people are in sympathy with her loved ones.
Miss Pearl Blake delightfully entertained a number of her young lady friends last Sunday evening.
School will soon close and we will be sorry to see the three young teachers leave the Island.
100 YEARS AGOThursday, March 26, 1925from the Gloucester Gazette
Comparatively few Gloucester people realize the importance a local industry—the Cow Creek Mill—has achieved in the very recent past, or its prospects for continued growth with the development of this section. For the Cow Creek Mill, though one of the oldest in the county, is also the very newest, since all the old, antiquated machinery of another generat...

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