Members of the Abingdon Ruritan Club traveled to the 2025 Ruritan National Convention in Greenville, S.C., last weekend. Pictured from left are former Abingdon director Rick Taylor, Zone Lt. Governor Rose Taylor, 2017 National President Danny Privott, past Abingdon president Mary Lou Privott, former Abingdon vice president Wanda Sprouse, Abingdon director Doug Johnson, and current Abingdon president Dean Marzocca. This group also, along with Past National President Mike Morrison (not pictured) represented the Chesapeake District as well. Marzocca presented a talk at a workshop on communications which was a standing-room-only event and well received by those in attendance. The Privotts chaired the Flag Committee which honored the American flag, the Ruritan flag, the state flags of all who have Ruritan Clubs, the Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard flags, the POW/MIA flag, the Space Force flag, and the Honor & Remember flag (for those who died in combat and Gold Star recipients). Joh...
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